When you enroll on the Scrum Repair Guide online video course, you get all 36 videos, including:

Module 5, Lesson 1:

Managing Stakeholder Expectations

Whilst consulting to a financial services company and working with the team to build a new loan approval system, Mike discovered that the stakeholders had widely differing opinions about the purpose of the new system.

The project was headed for trouble.

Even if it met its true stated objectives, stakeholder expectations had expanded or shifted in different directions.

This is a common challenge for Scrum practitioners, but there is a solution. In this lesson, Mike shows you how to align and manage stakeholder expectations using a tool called Project Success Sliders.

You’ll discover how to create clarity around expectations so that stakeholders understand (and agree) on the purpose of the project.

Register now to access this video and the 35 other lessons within the course.  


About The Scrum Repair Guide

The Scrum Repair Guide is the first online video course to go beyond basics and deal with the most difficult challenges you’ll inevitably experience when implementing Scrum.

Almost 1,000 students have used this course to pinpoint and fix some of the most vexing problems with Scrum.

Sign-up today and you can also enjoy:

  • Real-world recommendations
  • Advice you can adapt to your team
  • Help with cultural change
  • Practical exercises
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