5 Free Agile & Scrum Tools for Project Planning and Prioritizing

Mountain Goat Software and Mike Cohn, author and Agile Scrum expert, have announced the release of four free tools used in agile and scrum projects for planning and prioritizing.

Layfayette, CO November 6, 2010 -- Mountain Goat Software, an agile training and scrum certification company, has released five free agile and scrum tools ScrumMasters and Agile teams can use when planning and prioritizing software development projects.

The tools, a velocity range calculator, relative weighting worksheet, theme scoring tool, theme screening tool and project success sliders, have all been developed to help Agile and Scrum teams with their software development projects. From velocity values to comparing and prioritizing, these free online tools will help Agile and Scrum teams stay on time and on top of projects.

Mike Cohn, creator of these Agile tools, says that "software development plans created with a 90% confidence interval, are more likely to be accurate than plans created with a point estimate of velocity." In other words, the better the plan, the better the outcome and these tools will help Scrum and Agile teams build better plans with confidence.

Mike Cohn teaches classes for both new and current agile teams and team members. As a Registered Education Provider through the PMI, attendees earn Category 3 PDUs. A veteran of agile projects since 1995, Mike Cohn teaches how Agile software development training teaches teams how to emphasize teamwork, produce frequent deliveries of working software, develop close customer collaboration, and achieve the ability to respond quickly to change. For additional information visit the Mountain Goat Software website and learn more about certified scrum and agile training available.

About Mountain Goat Software and Mike Cohn

Mountain Goat Software is an agile methodology training and agile project management consulting company founded in 1995. Owner, lead trainer and author of three well read books on Agile, Mike Cohn has also written numerous articles for magazines, journals, and websites. He has a popular blog on succeeding with Agile and is a frequent participant in agile and scrum discussion groups.


Mike Cohn, CEO and Lead Trainer

Mountain Goat Software

888-61-AGILE mike@mountaingoatsoftware.com



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Mike Cohn

About the Author

Mike Cohn specializes in helping companies adopt and improve their use of agile processes and techniques to build extremely high-performance teams. He is the author of User Stories Applied for Agile Software Development, Agile Estimating and Planning, and Succeeding with Agile as well as the Better User Stories video course. Mike is a founding member of the Agile Alliance and Scrum Alliance and can be reached at hello@mountaingoatsoftware.com. If you want to succeed with agile, you can also have Mike email you a short tip each week.