Unlocking Agility: An Insider’s Guide to Agile Enterprise Transformation

by Jörgen Hesselberg

Unlocking Agility: An Insider’s Guide to Agile Enterprise Transformation focuses on overcoming the real challenges that stand in their way.

Jörgen Hesselberg

Jörgen Hesselberg

Jörgen Hesselberg is cofounder of Comparative Agility, a leading agile assessment and continuous improvement platform. A proven thought leader of numerous successful enterprise transformation efforts since 2009, Jorgen provides strategic guidance, executive counsel, and coaching to some of the world’s most respected companies both as an internal change agent and an external consultant. He has trained thousands of people on agile and Scrum, disruptive innovation, and enterprise transformation strategy.

Passionate about making the world a better place to work, Jorgen is the former director and an active member of Supporting Agile Adoption, an Agile Alliance program dedicated to supporting those who apply agile principles and practices for agile transformation. Jorgen is a frequent speaker at international industry conferences. He earned his bachelor degree in journalism at the University of Missouri, his MBA at Iowa State University, and an MS in information technology at Northwestern University. He completed postgraduate coursework in finance and disruptive innovation at Harvard Business School.

Table of Contents

  Chapter 1  The Agile Imperative   

  1. Athens Beats Microsoft     
  2. Origins of Modern Management 
  3. Leadership in a Complex World     
  4. Business Agility: Accelerating Organizational Learning     
  5. Summary     
  6. Q&A     
  7. Further Resources     
  8. Footnotes     

Chapter 2  Enterprise Agility  

  1. Defining Enterprise Agility 
  2. Designing Business Agility: Balancing Three Critical Levers     
  3. Unlocking Agility in the Enterprise   
  4. Performance Multipliers: Five Critical Dimensions of Agility    
  5. Summary     
  6. Q&A     
  7. Further Resources     
  8. Footnotes     

Chapter 3  Technology   

  1. Building the Right Thing: Creating Products Customers Love 
  2. Building the Thing Right   
  3. Building at the Right Speed: Optimizing for Flow   
  4. Summary     
  5. Q&A     
  6. Further Resources     
  7. Footnotes     

Chapter 4  Organizational Design  

  1. Physical Workplace Design     
  2. Organizational Structure   
  3. Heuristics of Agile Organizational Designs   
  4. Summary     
  5. Q&A     
  6. Further Resources     
  7. Footnotes     

Chapter 5  People   

  1. Never Underestimate the Importance of People     
  2. Characteristics of People in Agile Organizations   
  3. Strategies for Building an Environment Supportive of Agile People     
  4. Implications for HR in an Agile Organization  
  5. Summary     
  6. Q&A     
  7. Further Resources    
  8. Footnotes    

Chapter 6  Leadership   

  1. Impact of Leadership 
  2. Teal Leadership   
  3. Beyond Budgeting: An Agile Management Model     
  4. The Death of the Traditional CEO?     
  5. Three Essential Themes of Agile Leadership     
  6. Summary     
  7. Q&A     
  8. Further Resources     
  9. Footnotes     

Chapter 7  Culture    

  1. The Profound Impact of Culture    
  2. How We Experience Culture    
  3. The Schneider Culture Model    
  4. Culture’s Impact to Sustaining Change    
  5. Characteristics of Business Agility Metrics    
  6. Examples of Meaningful Business Agility Metrics   
  7. Performance System Changes -> Behavior Changes -> Culture
  8. Changes    
  9. Summary    
  10. Q&A    
  11. Further Resources    
  12. Footnotes     

Chapter 8  Building Your Organization’s Agile Working Group     

  1. The AWG: Mission and Purpose    
  2. Characteristics of the AWG    
  3. Role of External Consultants    
  4. Organizational Structure and the AWG    
  5. Recruiting for the AWG    
  6. The AWG: What’s in It for You?    
  7. Summary    
  8. Q&A    
  9. Further Resources    
  10. Footnotes    

Chapter 9  An Operating Model for Business Agility    

  1. Unlocking Agility: Embrace Change, Execute with Purpose    
  2. Exploration: An Engine for Embracing Change   
  3. Exploitation: Executing Proven Strategies with Purpose    
  4. Creating a Balance: Embracing Change and Executing with Purpose in the Right Proportions    
  5. On Scaling Frameworks    
  6. Summary    
  7. Q&A    
  8. Further Resources    
  9. Footnotes    

Chapter 10  Unlocking Agility: A Strategic Roadmap    

  1. Unlocking Enterprise Agility: A High-Level Strategic Roadmap    
  2. What Agility Looks Like in Action: Applying the Five Dimensions of Organizational Agility    
  3. Identifying and Driving Change Through an Organizational Improvement Backlog    
  4. The Road Ahead: Now What?    
  5. Summary    
  6. Q&A    
  7. Further Resources    
  8. Footnotes    
  9. Index